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20 апреля 2013 Года

“Representative Power–Century 21” issue #2, 3 – 2013

The main theme of 2, 3 rooms for 2013, the magazine «Representative power - XXI century» http://www.pvlast.ru is a Serebrennikov V.B. Defenders of the Fatherland.   To the 400 Anniversary of the Romanovs’ House. Mikhail the Second in the Russian and World History.

Other important topics include articles by the following authors: Serebrennikov V.B. Defenders of the Fatherland.   To the 400 Anniversary of the Romanovs’ House Mikhail the Second in the Russian and World History (part 2); Lagutkin A.V., Grudtsyna L.YU. Civil society in modern Russia: growth problems; Stremoukhov A. V. The mandate of the Deputy of the State Duma in the constitutional-legal doctrine (part 1); Oganesyan S.S. On the Periodization of Mental Civilizations in the History of Mankind’s Development (part 1); Lyubimov A.P. Military-historical memory; Shurukhnov N.G., Kamyshov V. G. The powers of prosecutors, aimed at elimination of violations of personal rights and freedoms of man and citizen/

Several other articles also deserve mentioning: Soldatov V.M. Legislation on culture as a fundamental problem of spiritual - national identity of Russia XXI century; Beliakov A.V. The notion of medicines and rules on their production; Molokaeva O.H. Constitutional nature of the standing committees of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; Makarov D.YU. Guilt in a crime under Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code; Komarova M.I., Shylin A.M. Certain aspects of participation of city administration in civil patriotic education (in case of Uren area, Nizhny Novgorod region); Kovernik N.V. Propaganda of a healthy way of life in mass media
Sidoruk P.A. Risks, threats of spiritual security for modern Russia; Vоlkov V.I., Naumov E.A., Savin M.S. Public examination concept as a factor of human rights and ethic norms observance in management decisions; Schitova N.G. Billionaires should be, first of all, sponsors; Wilt M.V., Sinitsa A.L. Ecologically sustainable development of the economy as a guideline of the economic development of a region. Evidence from the Kaliningrad Oblast

Contents, Key words and Summaries. “Representative Power–Century 21” issue #2, 3  – 2013

Serebrennikov V.B.
Defenders of the Fatherland.   To the 400 Anniversary of the Romanovs’ House
Mikhail the Second in the Russian and World History (part 2)
Serebrennikov V.B., academician of Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts., member of the Academic Council of the Russian Geographical Society, the author of a series of publications on  the  development history of the Russian culture and industry and relation of the power to these main components of the Russian statehood.
Key words. Nichkas II, Grand  Duke Mikhail Aleksandrovich,  Mikhail the Second,  renunciation of a throne, abdication. manifesto, “Dikaja Divizija”, the February Revolution,  the October Revolution, Kerensky, State Duma, Interim Committee of the State Duma, constitutional monarchy.
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the  main milestones of life and activity of the hero and commander of the World War I  Grand  Duke Mikhail Aleksandrovich, who became the last Russian Emperor Mikhail the Second, and his role in the history of Russia.

Lagutkin A.V., Grudtsyna L.YU. Civil society in modern Russia: growth problems
Lagutkin A.V., doctor of the jurisprudence, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, member of Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, chairman of office of problems of management of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Grudtsyna L.YU., doctor of jurisprudence, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, professor of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Honourable lawyer of Russia
Key words: civil society, state, democracy, policy, human rights, economy, Russian union of industrialists and businessmen, Civic chamber of Russia.
Abstract. Civil society is a community of independent subjects (citizens) in the state, developing moral and material values in interests of the community and the state. Existence and development of civil society is impossible out of difficult system of the public relations and without participation (direct or mediated) the states.

Stremoukhov A. V. The mandate of the Deputy of the State Duma in the constitutional-legal doctrine (part 1)
Stremoukhov Aleksey Vasilyevich, doctor of legal sciences, Professor, honored worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of labor law and social security law of the Leningrad State University. A. S. Pushkina
Key words: the subject of constitutional law, Member of the State Duma, the parliamentary mandate, the imperative mandate, the free parliamentary mandate, partial mandate a voter.
Abstract: this article summarizes the doctrinal position, confirmed by law, on the actual existence of the not free and semi-custodial mandate of Deputy of the State Duma.

Shurukhnov N.G., Kamyshov V. G. The powers of prosecutors, aimed at elimination of violations of personal rights and freedoms of man and citizen
Nikolay G. Shurukhnov – Doctor of Law, Professor of the Chair of Criminal Law and Special Disciplines of the Moscow University of Humanities; Vladislav G. Kamyshov, candidate of legal Sciences, chief specialist-expert of the Department of the Federal service for state registration, cadastre and cartography in Moscow (rosreestra Management in Moscow).
Key words: personal rights and freedoms of man and citizen, public Prosecutor's supervision, authority of the Prosecutor, anti-corruption expertise, claim, appeal to the court, judgment, caution, protest, representation.
Abstract. In this article the author examines the complex powers of the Prosecutor, aimed at elimination of violations of personal rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Russian Federation.

Soldatov V.M. Legislation on culture as a fundamental problem of spiritual - national identity of Russia XXI century
Soldatov Vladimir - PhD, Deputy Director of - Research Institute MGUKI.
Key words: Russia, law, culture, spirituality, nation, identity
Abstract. In this paper, the author develops the idea of spiritual - integral vision and understanding of culture and cultural policy in relation to the spiritual - of national identity in Russia, with the conservation and regeneration of which the twenty-first century, it relates to the improvement of Russian legislation on culture. Speaking of the new draft of the Federal Law "On Culture in Russia", the author emphasizes his lack of principle - The loss of spiritual dimensions of culture and cultural policy. In his opinion, this is contrary to both spiritual - historical heritage of Russian philosophy and the modern requirements of the state national policy of Russia to consolidate Russian civic consciousness and the spiritual community of the Russian nation. Offering his vision and understanding of the system of spiritual - Russian national identity, the author shows the lack of such consistency in regulatory - legal acts of the Russian Federation on culture and cultural policy in Russia.

Beliakov A.V. The notion of medicines and rules on their production
Belyakov A.V., Candidate of Law, deputy of the RF State Duma, Member of the State Duma Committee on the Federal Affairs and Regional Policy, Member of the “Fair Russia” Faction.
Key words: European Union, medicines,   rules of  production, permission to produce, qualified specialists, quality of the practice of production of medicines.
Summary: The  notion of medicines,  rules on their production  (permission to produce, availability of qualified specialists at the production, quality of the practice of production of medicines)  are discussed in the article.

Molokaeva O.H. Constitutional nature of the standing committees of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Molokaeva Oksana Haraevna, a postgraduate student of the Russian Academy of Justice, the Department of Constitutional Law. Guide - Doctor of Law, Professor L.A. Nudnenko
Key words: parliament, standing committees, the Federal Assembly, the State Duma.
Abstract. In this article the author attempts to identify the signs of constitutional and legal nature of the standing committees of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The standing committees are an essential element of parliamentarism and the separation of powers, and they are permanent subsidiary bodies of the internal chambers of the Federal Assembly. Without them, normal work of the parliament would be impossible.

Makarov D.YU. Guilt in a crime under Article 145.1 of the Criminal Code
Makarov D.YU. - assistant of St. George's Interdistrict Prosecutor of the Stavropol territory, a graduate student of kyslovodsk humanitarian-technical Institute.
Key words: fault; intention; imprudence; nonpayment of a salary, pensions, grants, grants and other payments established by the law.
The summary: the Crime provided by item 145.1 of the criminal code of Russian Federation, is made basically with indirect intention. Presence testifies to intention of the guilty at it mercenary or other personal interest. If act is made with indirect intention concerning the come heavy consequences imprudence takes place.

Oganesyan S.S.
On the Periodization of Mental Civilizations in the History of Mankind’s Development (part 1)
Oganesyan Sergey S.,  doctor of pedagogical sciences,  professor,  state adviser of the Russian Federation of 1 class, a member of advisory council of Committee on affairs of public associations and religious organisations  the State Duma of the Russian Federation,  full member of Academy humanitarian researches.
Key words: civilization, periodization of civilizations, Holy Scriptures, Torah, New Testament, Quran, monotheism, heathenism, canon law, lawmaking, nation, ethnic group, race, mentality, mental values, prospects for mankind’s development, civilization of scientific self-governance.
Abstract. The article shows that the information contained in the Torah, the New Testament, and the Quran (in the three Epistles of the One God) permit our contemporaries not only more reliably to implement periodization of the mental development of mankind on the earth and to find out the strategic direction of its development (that is, the naturally determined transition to the scientific comprehension of the world and to the self-governance in all spheres of life activity, including lawmaking), but also, not less important, to apperceive the meaning and the value of their life on the earth.

Lyubimov A.P. Military-historical memory
Alexey P. Lyubimov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Moscow University of Humanities, Member of the Science and Methodology Council under the RF Central Election Commission, Vice President of the International Union of academies of social sciences, Vice rector of the MGUKI.
Key words: history, memory, policy
Abstract. In the article it is mentioned that the recent developments saturated historical, military-historical and Patriotic issues (decrees, congresses, events at the Federal and regional levels). One of the main tasks of strengthening the link between generations, the restoration of the memory of the glorious deeds of our ancestors.

Komarova M.I., Shylin A.M. Certain aspects of participation of city administration in civil patriotic education (in case of Uren area, Nizhny Novgorod region)
 Mariya Komarova, Director of the Museum of the scientist and enlightener F.I. Karatygina
Shilin Anatoly, the Chapter of local self-government Urenskogo  municipal district of Nizhny Novgorod region, the Chairman of the Zemstvo Assembly Urenskogo municipal district.
Key words: city administration, civil patriotic education, institutions of culture and education in Urenj area Nizhny Novgorod region, “Time have not authority over the Name”, Museum  of scientist-enlightener F.I.Karatygin – School of Love to small motherland, 2013 year – Year of cultural heritage of Nizhny Novgorod region.
Abstract. Some concepts of civil patriotic education in Uren area, Nizhny Novgorod region are  treated. Pride of place assigned to Museum of scientist-enlightener F.I.Karatygin (1892-1957), who was the native of Uren Land, well-known domestic library scientist, theorist and practitioner of library science, one of organizer of the first institution of higher professional education for manpower training for libraries – Moscow State Library Institute (MGBI, at present MGUKI).

Kovernik N.V. Propaganda of a healthy way of life in mass media
Kovernik N.V. The Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov
Key words: healthy lifestyle, medical knowledge, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, mass media.
Abstract. In this article certain problems are considered of information awareness of population of a healthy lifestyle. The authors of the article reveal the priority purposes and tasks for increase of public awareness of Russians’ culture of a healthy lifestyle.

Sidoruk P.A. Risks, threats of spiritual security for modern Russia
Sidoruk P.A., graduate student of social structure and social processes Sociology Department of Moscow State University
Key words: risks, threats, spiritual security, society.
Abstract. This article contains definitions of "threat", "risk", considered in the context of spiritual safety of the public.
The various types of classifications of threats and discusses a set of factors that affect the spiritual security of Russian society.

Vоlkov V.I., Naumov E.A., Savin M.S.
Public examination concept as a factor of human rights and ethic norms observance in management decisions
Vоlkov V.I., PhD, Professor, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Management Board Member of  the free Economic Society of  Moscow; Naumov E.A., vice-president of National Technology Chamber, Professor;  Savin M.S., PhD, head of sector for sociology human rights of Institute for social-political analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences/
Key words: public examination concept, social control, social examination, model law
Abstract. The article is focused on the basic aspects of the model draft law «About social examination», developed by the authors. The essential characteristics of social examination, its general organizational principles and mechanisms are considered in the article. They allow to institutionalize social examination as an important form of coordination between social sector and government.

Schitova N.G. Billionaires should be, first of all, sponsors
Schitova Natalia Gennadievna, a post-graduate student of the Institute of Economics, Management and Law.
Key words: billionaires, patrons of the arts, charity, law, taxation, economics.
Abstract. The article considers the patronage of the arts as a component of the concept of return of debts to the society.

Wilt M.V., Sinitsa A.L. Ecologically sustainable development of the economy as a guideline of the economic development of a region. Evidence from the Kaliningrad Oblast
Sinitsa Arseniy L. Reserch fellow Center of Population Studies, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, Moscow; Wilt Maria W. Postgraduate student Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, Moscow.
Key words: sustainable development, socioeconomic development, standards of living, quality of life
Abstract. This article is devoted to the sustainable development of a region of the Russian Federation through the example of the Kaliningrad Oblast. Emphasized that such a development requires the cooperation of researchers from different branches of the economics and the political will, the authors consider problems that prevent the sustainable development of a region. To conclude the authors mention the role of the Kaliningrad Oblast which may become a pioneer in the domain of the sustainable development and propose the key ways of the social, economic and ecological reforms to bring up to date the economic development of the Russian Federation and its regions.



Представительная власть - XXI век: законодательство,
комментарии, проблемы. E-mail: pvlast@pvlast.ru

ISSN: 2073-9532

Создание сайта: П.М. Ермолович

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